Start Contact information
Contact Information Michał Przybylski

Glinka Szlachecka 9, 62-025 Kostrzyn

NIP (VAT): PL 929-128-20-99

Bank account (PLN): 18 1140 2004 0000 3902 5168 8214

Bank account (EUR) (IBAN): PL66 1750 1019 0000 0000 2043 8304


Main Warehouse Kostrzyn Wielkopolski k. Poznania

ul. Słowackiego 5 (SIGMA building behind MOTOREM), ph. +48 78 33 777 29

Pellet sales point (warehouse) Brzeźno k. Konina

ul. Miodowa 19 (Fuel dump Jarosław Czerniejewski), tel. +48 78 33 777 29 lub +48 501 120 082

Factory warehouse Stelmet, Zielona góra (only full truckloads)

ul. Gorzowska 20

Company headquarters - Poland (wholesale and retail):

Glinka Szlachecka 9, 62-025 Kostrzyn

Michał Przybylski

ph. +48 783 377 729

email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

skype: michalprzybylski

Wholesale - Poland and European Markets:

Piotr Kowalski

Email:    This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

tel. +48 513 910 919 (PL)

ph +49 176 990 882 77 (DE)



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